When life wasn’t hard:
At first, life wasn't hard, no history to bear,
No care for the future, just living in the air.
Playing was fun, winner or loser,
Friends were happy, no one a cheater.
Families excited, living each day,
Time flew by in a carefree way.
We fell in love, got hearts broken,
Ditched dates, stood up, words unspoken.
We got drunk and sang, played and were played,
Now we see the holes in the past we made.
We hope for a future, glorious and bright,
Life's gotten hard, people have changed, games are a fight.
Now I can't tell mama how everything's bad,
How everyone is mean, how it makes me so sad.
Now I can't ask dad to help with this or that,
I'm the person everyone looks at.
Life's been hard, and we're trying,
Trying hard to stay in line,
Hoping for a future, not clinging to the past.